Food shortage and hunger is increasing annually. It is a global problem caused by land rights issues, pollution and climate change, food waste, war and politics, seed sovereignty, and social inequalities. Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is facing even more problems with hunger access to nutritional food sources.
EDFU Foundation is actively working on helping solve the food crisis in all forms. We are working with individuals and groups around the world to bring awareness to the global food crisis and hunger issues. |
Bay Area Street PantryEDFU Foundation, in a partnership with the Conservancy Corp and the Oakland Public Library Melrose location, operates the Bay Area Street Pantry in Oakland, CA. This program has been around since 2018 and currently serves 100+ households a week.
Start a pantry.If you're interested in helping feed those in need in your area, let us help you! Partner with us and we can help you get set up. Contact us. at: [email protected]
Volunteer!If you are located in Oakland, CA, USA or the Bay Area and are available on Friday mornings or afternoons, we could use your help!
Current needs:
If you are a business and would like to donate food, clothing, or hygiene products, please email us: [email protected]
Global Crisis of Food Insecurity for Indigenous PeopleHost
Sheldon Williams, EDFU Foundation Co-Host Terence Latimer, EDFU & Food Tribe Guests Dan Mueller, San Diego Urban Collition & Slow Food Diane Moss, Project New Village Dr. Dimah Mahmoud, EDFU & A Growing Culture Kenneth Wyrick, Food Tribe Dr.LaWana Richmond, EDFU Michael Harris, California Black Agricultural Working Group Paul Leitura, Masai Tribe & Mulika Afrika |
During the 12th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, EDFU Foundation held their first event focused on Food Insecurity with a focus on the Indigenous perspective and the intersectionality of it with Food Sovereignty. This virtual discussion-based event highlighted the issues of the Masai in Tanzania who have been evicted from their indigenous lands for tourism and gaming areas, as well as how climate change is effecting what they are able to eat. We discussed the difference between "Food Security" and "Food Sovereignty" - the importance of differentiating them - and the power and the importance that language has when we present the issues of food sovereignty. We discussed the root issues of food sovereignty and how it affects so many different aspects of people's lives as well as other political issues within the world. We talked about the role that racism has within food sovereignty and holding people accountable for their actions, while also bringing to light the power that we as individuals have and how we choose to use it. We explored the point of connecting people and working together with our different and unique skill sets so that everyone can benefit. It was firmly stated that Black people are Indigenous and the United Nation's own definition proves this!
We asked the audience:
EDFU Foundation held a virtual event during the Commission on the Status of Women's 66th session that focused on Food Sovereignty; the power it has; and the role that politics play in it. Our guests came from different parts of the world - Africa, Europe, and North America. Together, we presented a solution-based discussion to educate, heal, and alert everyone about the problems the world is facing withing Food Sovereignty.
We need your help to continue our work and programs like the Bay Area Street Pantry and parallel events at the United Nations, where we present the issues of Food & Seed Sovereignty. Your volunteer work and donations help us continue to serve communities with food, end world hunger, and educate people on the facts of the global hunger & food crisis. |
Give a tax-free donation.The Conservancy Corp is our 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The Conservancy Corp helps to further EDFU Foundation's mission by funding and spreading awareness to our charity programs, such as the Bay Area Street Pantry, as well as educational programs & work. All donations made to The Conservancy Corp are tax-deductible. Visit The Conservancy Corp website to learn more. |
EDFU Foundation 2043 East Street #563 Concord, CA 94520 USA 925-808-7324 |
Staff & Programs
To contact a specific staff member, board member, volunteer, or department, please address them in the subject title and it will be forwarded. [email protected] Bay Area Street Pantry [email protected] |
Oakland Public Library Melrose Branch Yle Ase de Yansa |